Saturday, January 31, 2009

365 Days of Total Heart Health or Unconditional Life

365 Days of Total Heart Health: Transform Your Physical and Spiritual Life

Author: Jo Beth Young

Ed Young, best-selling author and pastor of one of the largest churches in America, is convinced that there is a link between our physical and spiritual health. He offers individuals help and hope for revolutionizing both in this unique devotional book. In each of the 365 inspirational readings, Dr. Young serves up a daily spiritual reflection accompanied by Scripture, a spiritual heart health tip, and a physical heart health tip. 365 Days of Total Heart Health also includes vital medical insight contributed by two of the country's leading physicians in the field of cardiology: Dr. J. Michael Duncan and Dr. D. Richard Leachman.
Men and women readers alike will appreciate this daily reminder to tend to both the physical and spiritual aspects of their lives. Brimming with practical support for better whole-self living, this is a great book to give and an important book to keep!

Read also Direction de Performance

Unconditional Life: Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams

Author: Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra, M.D., has emerged as one of the most powerful leaders in the revolutionary field of mind/body medicine. His extraordinary bestseller Quantum Healing explored the mind's connection to seemingly miraculous cures for cancer and other serious illnesses. Now, in Unconditional Life, he undertakes an even greater challenge: to explain how consciousness can lead the way to total freedom and perfect health. Unconditional Life brings together disciplines ranging from modern physics and neuroscience to the ancient traditions of Indian wisdom to show how our perceptions create our reality for good or ill—and how the outside world can be shaped by altering the world within. In a book filled with hope and inspiration, Dr. Chopra offers compelling proof of the power of consciousness and a daring new vision of our own unlimited potential.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Living beyond Multiple Sclerosis or You Are All Sanpaku

Living Beyond Multiple Sclerosis: A Woman's Guide

Author: Judith Lynn Nichols

This second installment from the online group dedicated to supporting each other in the fight against "the MonSter" includes firsthand insights.

Library Journal

A follow-up to Women Living with Multiple Sclerosis (LJ 4/1/99), this edited collection of e-mail "conversations" provides anecdotal and personal information contributed by women with multiple sclerosis. The "MS Sisters" discuss how they deal with their disability and their reactions to a variety of situations and challenges. One woman writes, "Never give up. Having MS isn't any fun, that's for sure. But it's not terminal and not always horrible. Keep a positive attitude." Another says about her diagnosis: "In many respects it was a relief to know that there was a physical cause and that I wasn't just `cracking up.' " Although this book is not designed to provide medical information, the insights provided can be a source of affirmation and consolation to other readers with MS. Recommended for all general health collections, caregivers, and physicians of MS patients.--Mary J. Nickum, Lakewood, CO Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

Internet Book Watch

Living Beyond Multiple Sclerosis is a collection of personal stories drawn from an on-line support group of women suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. This compendium of updated information on the sometimes elusive MS diagnosis; sustaining positive doctor/patient relationships; the newest MS treatments; maximizing treatment benefits; Social Security Disability and other insurance benefit applications, as well as household accessibility and tips for choosing and correctly using assistive devices presents Living Beyond Multiple Sclerosis as an invaluable informational resource that is informative, and occasionally inspiring. Judith Nichols and her online community of women have rendered a truly invaluable service, the results of which are highly recommended for personal, professional, medical center, and community library health reference collections and reading lists. REVIEW%> THE BLACK STUDIES SHELF

Interesting book: Postindustrial Possibilities or Be in Charge

You Are All Sanpaku

Author: Sakurazawa Nyoiti

The Japanese term, "sanpaku", describes a condition in the eye that connotes a grave state of physical and spiritual imbalance. "Macrobiotics", is the simple, natural means of correcting the dangerous "sanpaku" condition and creating a state of health, harmony and well-being, within and without. This book describes the condition, symptoms, and means of repair for the human body and soul via macrobiotics. **Lightning Print On Demand Title

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Yin and Yang of Cancer or Acne for Dummies

Yin and Yang of Cancer: Breakthroughs from the East and the West

Author: Bernard Chan

There is little doubt that cancer kills without prejudice throughout the world-the pain and sorrow it causes is universal. Although Eastern and Western doctors have the same objectives in the fight against this disease, the ways in which they approach its treatment are worlds apart. To understand their approaches and visualize where these paths may lead in the battle against cancer is the objective of this unique book. Written by two world-renowned medical researchers and physicians, The Yin & Yang of Cancer bridges this information gap to ultimately provide important answers.

The Yin & Yang of Cancer begins with a concise history of how traditional Chinese and Western medicine and science evolved, and how they have interacted with and changed each other. It then provides a clear and detailed discussion of the traditional use of medicinal mushrooms, which the Chinese have employed for centuries in their treatment of cancer-and which could add further weapons to our own cancer-fighting arsenal. Perhaps the answer to cancer is closer than we think, but our cultural blinders limit our vision. The Yin & Yang of Cancer provides an insightful perspective on what is happening in the world of cancer research, and what could happen if we broadened our view.

About the Author:
Bernard Chan, MD, is currently the Director of the International Medical Centre of the University Hospital in Macau

About the Author:
Georges M. Halpern, MD, PhD, a Fellow of the American Academy and Immunology

Table of Contents:
Acknowledgments     iv
Introduction     1
Times of Hope     7
What is Disease?     27
The Dark Valley     35
A Visit to a Chinese Hospital     49
A Success Story     55
Nature's Healing Gift     67
New Beginnings     81
Lingzhi and Yunzhi     91
Invaders and Defenders     99
Winter Worm, Summer Grass     113
The Quest for Common Ground     119
Glossary     127
References     137
Index     00

See also: Taste of Julie Jordan or Take the Tour

Acne for Dummies

Author: Herbert P Goodheart MD

Acne is the most common skin disease in the United States, affecting more than 60 million adults and teenagers each year. Acne For Dummies addresses the causes of acne, and, most importantly, what can safely be done to cover it up, treat it, and minimize scarring. The book covers everything from daily skin care, over-the-counter acne preparations, and when to see a dermatologist to the hazards and benefits of prescription acne medications and the range of dermatological procedures available to erase aftereffects. Also covered are specific issues common to acne as seen in various ethnic groups and other skin problems, such as rosacea, a condition that people often mistake for acne.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Breast Cancer Clear and Simple or Mens Health Best Turn Fat into Muscle

Breast Cancer Clear and Simple: All Your Questions Answered

Author: American Cancer Society

Concise answers--FAST!--to all your questions about breast cancer

Using a helpful Q&A format, Breast Cancer Clear & Simple addresses your key questions about what to expect, what to do, and how to navigate through the cancer experience. Aimed at easing your fears and encouraging you to become informed about your health care choices, the book provides all the essential facts, behavior guidance, and support you need.

American Cancer Society is a trusted provider of unbiased general information and personalized cancer-related health information and guidance. Its goals emphasize prevention, early detection, and screening; comprehensive treatment information that can help patients make informed decisions; practical answers to patients' questions about work, insurance, money, and planning for the future; and strategies for coping with the physical symptoms and emotional effects of cancer.

Table of Contents:
Introduction     1
About this book     1
How to use this book     2
Finding Out Your Have Breast Cancer     3
The doctor told me I have breast cancer. What do I do now?     3
What will happen to me?     4
Will I be okay?     4
Will I lose my breast?     5
What if I do need my breast removed?     5
Will I be in pain?     6
My friend had breast cancer. Will the same things happen to me?     7
My loved one had another kind of cancer. Should I expect the same things to happen to me?     8
What is breast cancer?     9
Why me?     10
Am I to blame for my breast cancer?     10
If I don't feel sick, do I really have cancer?     11
How serious is my cancer?     12
How do doctors know how serious my cancer is?     12
The doctor says my breast cancer has spread. What does that mean?     13
What does "cancer grade" mean?     14
What does "cancer stage" mean?     15
How big is the tumor?     16
Does my doctor know how well I will respond to treatment?     17
What does the doctor mean by "prognosis"?     18
Why doesn't the doctor use the word"cure"?     19
Do I need a second opinion?     20
How do I get a second opinion?     21
Won't the first doctor be mad if I want to talk to someone else?     22
Questions to ask the doctor who told you about your cancer     23
Treating Your Breast Cancer     25
Who will help with my cancer treatment?     25
Can I choose my doctor?     25
What should I think about when choosing a doctor?     26
Where will I go for treatment?     27
Who else will care for me?     28
Questions to ask a doctor who may treat you     30
How to talk to your doctor     32
What's the best way to treat my breast cancer?     34
What kind of treatment will I get!     34
How do I know if doctors are suggesting the best treatment?     35
How is surgery used to treat breast cancer?     36
How do I decide between the two types of surgery?     38
More questions to ask the doctor about surgery     39
What should I expect after a mastectomy?     42
What should I expect after a lumpectomy?     44
How is radiation therapy used to treat breast cancer?     46
How is chemotherapy used to treat breast cancer?      47
How is hormone therapy used to treat breast cancer?     48
How is monoclonal antibody therapy used to treat breast cancer?     49
What should I know about herbs, dietary supplements, or special diets used to treat cancer?     50
Help making your treatment choices     51
What is a clinical trial?     52
Question to ask the doctor about treatments     54
What do I need to know about side effects from treatment?     56
What are side effects?     56
Will treatment make me feel sick?     58
Will I lose my hair?     60
Will I feel tired?     62
What is lymphedema, and will I get it?     64
Could I have other side effects?     67
Is there help for any pain I might have?     68
Can I cope with side effects like pain without medicine?     69
Will I be able to have children after treatment?     72
Questions to ask the doctor about side effects     73
How can I pay for treatment?     75
What if I don't have health insurance?     75
What do Medicare and Medicaid pay for?     75
Are there private groups that can help me pay for my treatment and other costs?     78
What if I can't pay my bills?      79
What is private health insurance and what does it pay for?     80
What if my insurance claim is turned down?     81
Questions to ask the hospital billing department     82
What is breast cancer "survivor"?     84
How will cancer and treatment affect me and my loved ones?     85
Does anyone feel the way I do?     85
How can I feel more in control of my life?     87
Keeping a journal may help     89
How can I find help and support?     91
I told my family that I have breast cancer. Why are they acting strangely?     92
How will cancer affect my friendships?     93
How can I talk to family and friends about cancer?     94
How will cancer treatment affect my life at home?     95
Can anyone help me with day-to-day challenges?     96
Questions to ask the doctor about life during treatment     97
How will cancer and treatment affect my work?     99
Is it better to work during treatment or take time off?     99
Should I tell people at work that I have cancer?     100
Could I lose my job if I have to take time off?     101
How can I get ready to take time off from work?     103
Can I get help with money if I'm not able to work?      104
Questions to ask the doctor about work     105
Recovering from Treatment     107
What if my breast was removed?     107
Will I ever get used to the changes in my body?     107
What are my choices after a mastectomy?     109
How can I look like I have two full breasts if I don't want surgery to make a new breast?     110
What should I know about a breast form?     111
What is breast reconstruction surgery?     113
Can I have breast reconstruction surgery?     115
What should I know about breast reconstruction?     116
Questions to ask the doctor about breast reconstruction     118
Is my cancer gone forever?     121
What if my cancer comes back?     121
Can I lower my chances that the cancer will come back?     122
How will I know if my cancer comes back?     123
When should I call the doctor?     124
Questions to ask the doctor about checkups and cancer coming back     125
How can I be close with someone after cancer and treatment?     126
How will cancer and treatment affect my sex life?     126
Should I talk about my cancer with someone new I'm dating!     127
How can I stay healthy from now on?     128
What can I do to keep my body healthy?     128
How can I eat right after cancer treatment?     129
How should I exercise after cancer treatment?     131
How can I get back to living my life?     133
Can I live a normal life again?     133
What do I do now?     135
More Information
How should women get checked for breast cancer?     137
Can you help me understand breast cancer risk?     139
What does it mean if I am "at risk" for breast cancer?     139
What risk factors increase a woman's chances of getting breast cancer?     140
Are other women in my family more likely to get breast cancer?     141
Can anything lower a person's chances of getting breast cancer?     142
I've heard that smoking and breast implants can increase your chances of getting breast cancer. Is that true?     143
How can I have breast cancer if no one in my family has had it?     144
More about cancer grades     145
More about cancer stages     146
On my pathology report, what do the letters T, N, and M and the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mean?     146
My doctor says I have stage IIIA breast cancer. How are the letters T, N, and M and the numbers 0 to 4 related to the stage?     148
What's the difference between my stage IIB breast cancer and my friend's stage IIIC breast cancer?     149
Your medical team     150
What counts as a serving?     155
Resources that may help     156
About the Internet     156
Cancer information and services     156
Help with paying medical bills and other costs     157
Help with getting treatment, mammograms, and medications     158
Traveling to treatment and places to stay     161
Wigs, prostheses, and makeup     162
Support for you and your loved ones     163
How you can help others     165
Glossary     166
Endnotes     170
Books published by the American Cancer Society     172

Books about: Voice and Vision or Network Exam Prep 2

Men's Health Best Turn Fat into Muscle

Author: Editors of Mens Health

Men everywhere want to improve their health and fitness--and their bodies. This new series of books, Men's Health Best, addresses all aspects of a man's physical fitness, from building core strength to managing sports injuries. Authoritative, affordable, handsomely produced and extensively illustrated, these 96-page books are the perfect guide to achieving strength, fitness, and well-being.

Men's Health Best: Turn Fat into Muscle gives you a complete program for losing weight, building muscle, burning fat, controlling cholesterol, and keeping your heart, head, and hormones working right. Learn to lose weight and become the shape you want to be--all at the same time!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dr Golem or Skin Delivery Systems

Dr. Golem: How to Think about Medicine

Author: Harry Collins

A creature of Jewish mythology, a golem is an animated being made by man from clay and water who knows neither his own strength nor the extent of his ignorance. Like science and technology, the subjects of Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch's previous volumes, medicine is also a golem, and this Dr. Golem should not be blamed for its mistakes—they are, after all, our mistakes. The problem lies in its well-meaning clumsiness.

Dr. Golem explores some of the mysteries and complexities of medicine while untangling the inherent conundrums of scientific research and highlighting its vagaries. Driven by the question of what to do in the face of the fallibility of medicine, Dr. Golem encourages a more inquisitive attitude toward the explanations and accounts offered by medical science. In eight chapters devoted to case studies of modern medicine, Collins and Pinch consider the prevalence of tonsillectomies, the placebo effect and randomized control trials, bogus doctors, CPR, the efficacy of Vitamin C in fighting cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS cures, and vaccination. They also examine the tension between the conflicting faces of medicine: medicine as science versus medicine as a source of succor; the interests of an individual versus the interests of a group; and the benefits in the short term versus success rates in the long term. Throughout, Collins and Pinch remind readers that medical science is an economic as well as a social consideration, encapsulated for the authors in the timeless struggle to balance the good health of the many—with vaccinations, for instance—with the good health of a few—those who have adverse reactions tothe vaccine.

In an age when the deaths of research subjects, the early termination of clinical trials, and the research guidelines for stem cells are front-page news, Dr. Golem is a timely analysis of the limitations of medicine that never loses sight of its strengths.

Table of Contents:
Preface and Acknowledgments

Introduction - Medicine as Science and Medicine as Succor

1. The Hole in the Heart of Medicine: The Placebo Effect

2. Faking It for Real: Bogus Doctors

3. Tonsils: Diagnosing and Dealing with Uncertainty

4. Alternative Medicine: The Cases of Vitamin C and Cancer

5. Yuppie Flu, Fibromyalgia, and Other Contested Diseases

6. Defying Death: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

7. The AIDS Activists

8. Vaccination and Parents' Rights: Mumps, Measles, Rubella (MMR), and Pertussis

Conclusion - The Themes Revisited


Look this: Sicherheit Gemacht Leicht: Eine Checkliste-Annäherung an die OSHA Einhaltung

Skin Delivery Systems

Author: John J Will

Current interest in drug delivery technologies is exceedingly high. Similarly, a recent upsurge in consumer awareness of the potential antiaging and antiwrinkling benefits of natural products and botanicals has spurred a revolution in the cosmetic industry for better skin care delivery technologies, both to preserve inherent activity as well as to enhance their benefits through novel formulation and delivery methods.

With these considerations in mind, Skin Delivery Systems: Transdermals, Dermatologicals and Cosmetic Actives brings together the emerging fields of cosmetic actives with new advances in skin delivery technologies and provides a methodical and systematic explanation of technologies used to transport pharmaceuticals and cosmetic actives through the skin's barriers. After reviewing the basic principles of dermatology and skin penetration, the reference describes and explains the most current methods of transdermal transport. Coverage includes new materials, such as amphiphilic polymers; new formulation methods, such as miniemulsions; and variations on technologies such as sonophoresis and iontophoresis. The authors also show the connections between skin penetration and a variety of active substances, including specialized pharmaceuticals and natural and botanical ingredients used in cosmetics. The book presents critical empirical data and design information intended to assist researchers, product developers, and testers in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Teach Yourself Baby Sleep or Climate Chaos

Teach Yourself Baby Sleep

Author: Andrea Grac

Help your baby sleep easier and get the rest you need, too

Colic, sleep apnea, and night terrors are just a few of the problems babies face during the sleep hours. Teach Yourself Baby Sleep provides you with practical tips and case studies to help you empower yourself and conquer these seemingly insurmountable issues.

New interesting textbook: Direzione ed amministrazione di professione d'infermiera: Una guida pratica

Climate Chaos: Your Health at Risk: What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family

Author: Cindy L Parker MD

Why should we care about climate chaos and global warming? Because, among other risky outcomes, they may seriously harm our health! Scientists around the world are in agreement that global warming, more aptly named climate change, is occurring and human activity is the primary cause. The debate now is in the scientific and policy worlds about just how harmful climate change will be and what are the best ways to stop it. One of those scientists is author Cindy Parker, who believes climate change is the most health-damaging problem humanity has ever faced. Parker has thus immersed herself during the past ten years in educating the public and health professionals about how climate change will affect our well-being. Here, she and husband, Steve Shapiro, a psychologist and former journalist, describe what we can expect if climate change continues unabated. The authors explain our possible physical and mental responses to such climate change factors as heat stress, poor air quality, insufficient water resources, and the rise of infectious diseases fueled by even minor increases in temperature. They also show how other changes that may result from climate change-including sea level rise, extreme weather events, and altered food supplies can harm human health. Parker and Shapiro have found, however, that just talking about the problem is not enough. Actions that can prevent or reduce climate change's harm are presented in each chapter.

To illustrate how much global warming will affect our lives, Parker and Shapiro begin their book with a chapter showing the worst-case scenario if climate change continues without intervention, and end the book with the best case scenario if we act now. Their eye-opening work will appeal to everyone who wants to remain healthy as we challenge this world-altering problem of our own making . While written for a lay audience in a manner that limits technical terminology, the book will also appeal to students and professionals of public health, medicine, environmental psychology, and science who will find the focus on health and the extensive referencing useful.

Table of Contents:
Series Foreword     xi
A Climate Change Tale     1
Climate Chaos: What May Come     10
What This Book Is About     11
What's Happening to Our Climate     12
Why the Climate Is Changing     13
The Greenhouse Effect     15
Greenhouse Gases and Temperature     15
Sea Level Rise     18
Dangerous Climate Change     19
The Most Worrisome Greenhouse Gases     20
The Speed of Climate Change     20
Greenhouse Gas Emissions across Nations     22
Peak Petroleum     24
The Book's Outline     26
Temperature: Home Is Getting Hotter     30
It Could Get Hot     31
Heat and Our Health     32
The Most Vulnerable to Heat Stress     34
Poverty: Another Risk Factor for Heat Stress     35
Geography Matters     36
Gender Considerations     37
Race and Ethnicity     39
Fewer Deaths from Cold Weather?     39
Global Warming and Behavior     40
Solutions     41
Air: Breathing Harder     45
The Climate-Air Pollution Connection     46
Ozone andHealth     47
Who Is Most Vulnerable to Ozone Effects?     48
Children     48
Other Vulnerable Populations     49
Particulate Matter     50
Forest Fires and Breathing     50
Dust     51
Other Air Toxins     52
Pollen and Climate Change     53
Who Decides How Clean Our Air Will Be?     53
Air Quality and Your Mental Health     55
Solutions     56
Water: Water, Water Everywhere or Neverthere     62
Risks to Our Water     63
How We Use Water     64
Where Our Water Comes From     65
How Much Water We Need     66
Droughts Affect Health     67
Droughts and Infectious Disease     67
Droughts and Fires     68
Floods Affect Health     69
Climate Change and Water Availability     69
Melting Snowpack     70
Melting Glaciers     71
Desalination     72
Bottled Water     73
Water Conservation-More Than Just Personal Virtue     74
Water Scarcity, Conservation, and Mental Health     74
Solutions     76
Cataclysmic Events: Pounding People and the Planet     78
A Cavalcade of Harm     79
Floods and Inundations     80
Floods, Contamination, and Disease     81
Floods, Mold, and More     83
Storm Surge     84
Saltwater Contamination of Wells     84
Erosion     85
Other Effects of Cataclysmic Events on Health     86
Risk to Infrastructure and Health     87
Displaced People     88
Conflict     89
Cataclysmic Events and Mental Health     90
The Science of a Rise in Sea Level     91
Thermal Expansion     91
Melting Inland Glaciers     91
Greenland's Melting Ice     92
Melting Arctic Sea Ice     92
Melting Antarctica     94
Melting Ice = Sea-Level Rise     94
The Science of Hurricanes and Other Storms     94
Solutions     96
Infectious Disease: Bacteria, Viruses, and Parasites, Oh My     99
The Relationship between Climate and Infectious Disease     100
Malaria and Climate Change     100
Other Diseases Mosquitoes Carry     102
Diseases from Other Insects     103
Diseases Carried on Ocean and Wind Currents     105
Foodborne Diseases     106
What's Next?     107
Infectious Disease and Mental Health     107
Solutions     108
Food: Nature's Bounty Bashed     111
Plants, Climate Change, and Our Food Supply     112
How Crops Grow     113
Heat's Harm to Crops     114
Climate Change and Pesticide Use on Crops     115
Soil, Erosion, and Climate Change     116
Plants and Ozone     117
After Peak Oil and Its Effect on Food     117
Aquatic and Marine Food Supply     119
Climate Change and Food Toxins     120
How Much of An Effect?     121
Meat: What We Eat Drives Climate Change     122
Other Contributors to Climate Change     123
Biofuels     124
Climate, Food, and Mental Health     125
Solutions     126
Ecosystem Health: Cycles of Life ... Or Death     129
Ecosystems and Our Health     131
Farms and Prairies     131
Mountains     132
Forests and Biodiversity     133
Coastal Wetland Ecosystems and Storm Buffers     134
Marine Ecosystems     135
Marine Dead Zones     136
Biodiversity Loss and Infectious Disease     137
Biodiversity Loss = Extinction     138
Energy and Ecosystem Health     138
Coal's Damage to Ecosystems     139
Oil's Damage to Ecosystems     140
Reducing the Impact of Fossil Fuels on the Climate and Ecosystems     140
Energy Efficiency     140
Geoengineering     141
Alternatives to Fossil Fuels     142
Renewable Energy     142
Nuclear Energy     144
A Final Word on Ecosystems     145
Solutions     145
Human Behavior: Choice to Change     147
Where Human Behavior and Climate Change Meet     148
How We Come to Behave     149
How We Change Our Behavior     150
Individuals and Climate Change     151
Brains and Behavior     151
Environmental Concern and Emotions     154
Thinking: Beyond Concern to Attitudes, Beliefs, Values....     157
Personal Responsibility and Self-Efficacy     159
Risk Perception and Fear     161
Sociodemographic Variables     164
Hope for Individual Behavior      166
Community Factors and Climate Change     166
Economics     167
Government and Institutional Policies     168
Media and Communications     172
Social Identity: Norms, Connections, and Movements     174
Place     175
Other External Factors     176
Hope for the Meeting of Individual and Community Factors     177
Solutions     178
Epilogue     182
References     186
Index     214

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Beating The Flu or Eating Drinking Overthinking

Beating The Flu: The Natural Prescription For Surviving Pandemic Influenza and Bird Flu

Author: J E Williams

Experts agree that the world is due for a flu pandemic, and the Bird Flu virus--with a 70% kill rate--may cause just such a catastrophe. Even conservative estimates say such a scenario could kill 2 million Americans and shut down economic services as the virus rages across the globe. As the world community busily prepares for the potential nightmare, it's essential that individuals arm themselves with up-to-date information. In Beating the Flu, Dr. J. E. Williams apprises the situation honestly and offers vital advice for avoiding Bird Flu as well as steps for safely overcoming the virus should you contract it. Dr. Williams argues that due to a severe shortage in antiviral pharmaceutical drugs, natural medicines will play a crucial role in minimizing the outbreak and ensuring good health for you and your family. Dr. J. E. Williams has practiced Oriental Medicine for more than two decades and is the author of three books. Presently, he is the Academic Dean at the East West College of Natural Medicine.

Book review: Cuestiones Profesionales en Patología de lengua del Discurso y Audiology

Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression--and How Women Can Break Free

Author: Susan Nolen Hoeksema

A noted expert on women and depression offers a guide to balancing women’s relationship to eating, alcohol, and overthinking

Based on extensive original research, Eating, Drinking, Overthinking is the first book to show women how they can navigate the often painful and destructive worlds of the title.

While it is widely known that women suffer from depression in disproportionately large numbers, what is less well known is the extent to which many women use food and alcohol to regulate their moods. Integrating the insights of her popular first book, Women Who Think Too Much, Yale psychologist Susan Nolen-Hoeksema has written a pathbreaking and highly readable account of the ways in which eating, drinking, and overthinking, can wreak havoc on women’s emotional well-being, physical health, relationships, and careers.

As Eating, Drinking, Overthinking reveals, the coping strategies that lead women into the “toxic triangle” can be turned around to guide them out of it. Instead of letting negative thoughts gain the advantage, Nolen-Hoeksema provides exercises to help women manage their thoughts and maintain a balanced perspective.

Publishers Weekly

Nolen-Hoeksema (Women Who Think Too Much) presents a theory that women who battle eating disorders, alcohol abuse and depression are really suffering from a single disorder for which she has coined the term "toxic triangle." The author claims to be among the first to recognize this (most experts, she says, choose one as the cause of the other two), but doesn't offer anything beyond her own observations as proof that this is true. The book's main strength is its excellent exploration of the impact of all three problems, individually and collectively, on women's lives. Eating disorders, alcohol abuse and depression affect women's relationships, careers, health and put them at risk for assault. Nolen-Hoeksema helps readers make sense of their past experiences and the genetic influences that can also make a difference, perhaps leading to a better understanding of their behavior. But she flounders between writing a clinical dissertation and penning a self-help book meant to guide readers to a solution. She constantly switches voices, speaking directly to the reader at some points and talking about the reader at others. Nolen-Hoeksema makes a provocative argument, but the book's lack of clinical research and cohesive narrative make it a tough sell. (Jan.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

Library Journal

Many people use alcohol or food to cope when life gets difficult. Psychologist Nolen-Hoeksema (Women Who Think Too Much) believes that women in particular often combine unhealthy eating and/or drinking habits with depression-what she calls the "Toxic Triangle." As she sees it, women's tendency to overthink (i.e., to get stuck in the past by rehashing events), combined with peer pressure and media images of slender, accomplished women, can trigger the triangle and lead to misery. She proposes the following strategies for overcoming this cycle: reduce stress through meditation, keep a diary to record feelings, find substitutes for destructive behaviors, use problem-solving techniques, and build positive relationships. She also suggests that parents teach young girls to use these techniques so that they, too, will not develop toxic habits. Although the Toxic Triangle model may be new, there is nothing here that cannot be found in other self-help books. Still, the information is useful, and Nolen-Hoeksema has appeared on popular media outlets like The Today Show and CNN, so buy for demand where self-help books are popular. [See Prepub Alert, LJ 9/1/05.]-Barbara M. Bibel, Oakland P.L., CA Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Bipolar Disorder: Rebuilding Your Life

Author: James T Stout

Learn life-enhancing lessons from a fellow struggler who's "been there" and is helping hundreds to reclaim and redirect their lives. This is the true story of one man's battle to recover from depression, mania, the stigma of mental illness, and the trauma of childhood emotional and sexual abuse.

Library Journal

Having survived a sexually and emotionally abusive childhood, Stout became a successful Presbyterian minister, athlete, husband, and father until bipolar disorder led him to a suicide attempt and hospitalization. Here, he describes his long and ongoing struggle with the disease, complicated by problems encountered by many patients battles with insurance companies, the adverse side effects of drugs, and uncomprehending acquaintances. Other titles, notably E. Fuller Torrey's Surviving Manic Depression, are more comprehensive in their discussion of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of bipolar disorder, and Kaye Redfield Jamison's memoir, An Unquiet Mind, is better written. Stout's book, however, will be helpful to Christians confronting mental illness directly or indirectly. He includes specific recommendations for congregations interested in serving the mentally ill. For church and seminary libraries as well as public libraries serving Christian populations. Mary Ann Hughes, Neill P.L., Pullman, WA

See also: Menümarketing und Management


Author: James Japp

"Brain Injury and Returning to Employment provides a clear overview of the cognitive and psychological difficulties associated with acquired brain injury and discusses how people affected by it can prepare for and remain in employment." "The author offers effective occupational techniques to address impaired memory, attention and executive functions, and difficulties with organisation and planning skills, as well as the speech impairments commonly associated with acquired brain injury. He also examines the environmental, emotional, physical and psychological barriers to work reintegration and offers a range of solutions to these problems, including mentoring relationships with colleagues." This valuable book is essential reading for professionals working with brain-injuried individuals in the fields of psychology, occupational therapy, employment advisory services and human resources.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Introduction9
Ch. 2Neurological impartment. The broader picture12
Ch. 3Acquired brain (head) injury21
Ch. 4Brain injury problems25
Ch. 5Vocational assessment39
Ch. 6Vocational rehabilitation54
Ch. 7Enhancing brain functioning69
Ch. 8Occupational techniques78
Ch. 9Workplace reintegration88
Ch. 10Case studies101
Postscript : reducing risk112

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Iscador or Understanding Pain

Iscador: Mistletoe and Cancer Therapy

Author: Christine Murphy

Lantern Books is pleased to present the groundbreaking book, Iscador: Mistletoe and Cancer Therapy, which serves to demystify this eighty-year-old treatment. Shedding light on Iscador, editor Christine Murphy has gathered together some of the work of doctors and clinicians familiar with cancer therapy. Dr. Richard Wagner, a German physician, answers many of the questions about Iscador asked by his patients during his many years of practice as an oncologist in general practice, treating cancer patients with both conventional and alternative therapies. Dr. Thomas Schuerholz, a medical doctor specializing in cancer, offers an overview of the terms, procedures, and different approaches to treating cancer. Ms. Murphy is also the author of Practical Home Care Medicine: A Natural Approach and editor of Lilipoh, a quarterly journal specializing in the anthroposophical approach to health, homeopathy, and naturopathic medicine.

Library Journal

Mistletoe has been used medicinally for centuries for an array of ailments. During the 1920s, Rudolph Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, advocated its use as a cancer preventive. Iscador, as the mistletoe preparation is known, is a licensed drug in Germany and Switzerland, where over half of all cancer patients use it or one of its variations as part of their treatment. Yet it has only recently become known here, in part because actress Suzanne Somers used it to treat her breast cancer. A compilation of mostly previously published works by physicians and clinicians, this work acts as a primer on Iscador, integrative cancer treatment, and anthroposophical medicine. Murphy, who also edits the anthroposophical medicine journal Lilipoh, explains the process of making Iscador and provides an extensive resource section that cancer patients may find especially useful. Because this is the only English-language book on Iscador for the lay reader, it would make a good addition to hospital consumer health collections and larger public library health collections. Valeria Long, Grand Valley State Univ. Lib. at the Van Andel Inst., Grand Rapids, MI Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information.

Books about: Managerial Accounting Study Guide or Procedures for the Office Professional

Understanding Pain: What It Is, Why It Happens, and How It's Managed

Author: Harry J Gould

Most people who suffer from chronic pain assume it's something they must simply learn to live with, but this is just not true. Most pain can be managed or greatly reduced with proper pain management, but the reality is that most pain goes untreated, under-treated, or improperly treated. With proper management, the overall health, well-being, and quality of life of millions of Americans can be improved. Chronic Pain is an essential resource for those who experience the problem and want to better understand the pain they live with each day. Written in layman's terms, this detailed guide explains how pain is perceived; helps patients evaluate and organize information about their symptoms; explores alternative, pharmacological, and invasive treatments; and much more. The book helps patients understand the multifaceted nature of pain and the range of treatment options available, enabling them to communicate more effectively with doctors and other healthcare providers.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer:Jennifer E Tyrrell, BScN, MN(The Hospital for Sick Children)
Description:This is a guide to help patients and families understand pain. Among the unique characteristics of the book are the suggestions on how to give a complete pain history to a healthcare provider and the emphasis on the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, often forgotten in guides/books aimed at patients and families.
Purpose:The purpose is to help the reader develop a framework for understanding pain and become better prepared to manage the life changes associated with pain. This is a worthy objective as everyone will experience pain at some point in his lifetime. The topics in the guide meet the stated objectives well.
Audience:According to the author, the intended audience includes patients and families experiencing or affected by pain. My only concern is that the reading level is too high for the audience. The language and level of detail (e.g., anatomy and physiology) are more appropriate for a healthcare practitioner or highly educated patient/family member (college level).
Features:The book covers many facets of pain management that are important for patients and families to know. However, the design is not innovative and includes a minimal amount of illustrations. The glossary is comprehensive and the list of resources is excellent for patients and families who would like more information.
Assessment:Overall, the book meets a need for many patients and families struggling to deal with this very common condition. I am just concerned that the language and amount of information might be overwhelming for some.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants or The Healing Journey

Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants

Author: Christopher Nyerges

An array of abundant wild foods is available to hikers, campers, botanists or anyone interested in living closer to the earth. Written by a leading expert on wild foods and a well-known teacher of survival skills, Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants is more than a listing of plant types—it teaches how to recognize edible plants and where to find them, their medicinal and nutritional properties, and their growing cycles. It also includes fascinating folklore about plants, personal anecdotes about trips and meals, simple and tasty recipes, and photographs.

Books about: Marketing de Cardápio e Gestão

The Healing Journey

Author: Oscar C Simonton

In this inspiring sequel to Getting Well Again, an extraordinary doctor and one of his patients offer powerful healing ideas to anyone touched by life-threatening illness. At age forty, businessman Reid Henson was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. His prognosis was grim: less than two years to live. Given no hope by the medical community, Reid enrolled in Simonton Cancer CenterЎЄand the care of Dr. Simonton, a world-renowned oncologist who not only offered Reid hope, but encouraged him to participate in regaining his own health.Today, more than 24 years after his Ў°terminalЎ± diagnosis, Reid Henson is vitally alive.

In part one of The Healing Journey, Dr. Simonton outlines the program currently in use at his world-famous Simonton Cancer Center in California. It is a program based on the guiding principle that beliefs, attitudes and emotions play a major role in determining the quality of our lives and health.

Part two of The Healing Journey offers words of comfort and strength from one who knows what itЎЇs like to be gravely ill and then to experience the miraculous.Honest, accessible, and deeply reassuring, The Healing Journey is an invaluable guide to enriching your days, improving your health, and strengthening your will to live.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Crystal Power Crystal Healing or Reiki and the Healing Buddha

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing: The Complete Handbook

Author: Michael Gienger

It's crystal clear--these shining minerals, reflecting a rainbow of colors, have the power to heal body and mind, and develop our potential. How did they became endowed with so many magic properties, and how can you reap their restorative qualities and spiritual values most effectively? Knowing the answers to these questions may change your life and attitude forever. Look closely at the details of each crystal in dazzling color photographs, focusing on its shape and its facets. Diagrams illustrate a variety of cubic, hexagonal, trigonal, orthorombic, and triclinic systems, and you can determine which will work best for your lifestyle. An easy-to-understand, precise guide shows you how to find the most helpful healing stones for your needs (including size, form, quality, roughness, and color) and how to apply them. Think about whether they should be polished, in a pendant or pierced form and worn as jewelry. Place a crystal directly on the area of the body you want to affect; arrange a "stone circle" and lie within it for subtle spiritual, mental, and emotional changes; meditate with stones resting against your skin; and take gem essences internally. By positioning them properly in a room, crystals can affect the entire environment! Try amethyst for encouraging spiritual wakefulness and sobriety, relieving grief, and releasing pain and tension--particularly headaches. Citrine fosters individuality and self-confidence, overcomes depression, stimulates digestion, and alleviates diabetes and stomach ailments. Other crystals will spur you to enhance your dreamwork. After you experience what crystals can do, you'll never be without them again! 416 pages (200 in color), 6 x 8.

Book review: Best of the Best from Utah or Touring Texas Wineries

Reiki and the Healing Buddha

Author: Maureen J Kelly

Reiki and the Healing Buddha reconnects Reiki with its Buddhist antecedents and provides both the experienced practitioner and the interested lay person with new insights and viewpoints on Reiki.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Uninformed Consent or Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome

Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care

Author: Hal Huggins

Dr. Huggins and Dr. Levy assert that a large number of disorders are, though often incurable, easily preventable. He proposes that multiple sclerosis, lupus, leukemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson's disease, many mental disorders including Alzheimer's, and even major diseases like breast cancer are caused, in part, by the toxins we place in our bodies. Where do these toxins come from and how do they get into our bodies? You my be surprised to find that you have actually paid to have them put there. These dangerous materials--mercury, cadmium, beryllium, nickel, and others--are used in everyday dentistry to make up the fillings, root canals, and bridgework in our mouths, and are supposed to be "safe." But are they?

Uninformed Consent presents cases of toxic poisoning--of depressed immune systems and inexplicable illnesses--to toxins entering the bloodstream from the heavy metals in dental materials. The authors also discuss the hidden truths that the dental industry in America doesn't want to talk about, and the real reasons the dangers of these materials have been suppressed and ignored.

Drs. Huggins and Levy implore the reader: "Don't leave your health in your dentist's hands and assume that all will be fine. Become informed and take an active role in your health. Know what will be implanted in your mouth. You must decide at the outset what is more important to you--the life of a filling or your life." Uninformed Consent will give you the facts so that you may take responsibility for your dental--and complete--health and wellness.

Look this: Scene of the Cybercrime or Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect

Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome: What to Do If Someone in Your Life Has a Dual Personality - Or If You Do

Author: Beverly Engel

Beverly Engel brings her expertise to this important examination of the Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome—the first book to address this abusive syndrome. She discusses the origins of the disorder, names its seven major manifestations, explains how to identify Jekyll and Hyde behavior in other people and in oneself, and outlines clear steps for how to heal Jekyll and Hyde tendencies for good.

Star Catchers or Sleep Away the Pounds

Star Catchers: Stories for You to Read to Your Child to Encourage Calm, Confidence, and Creativity

Author: Joyce Dunbar

Meditation can benefit children enormously, from easing their anxieties to teaching them quietness. This anthology, a follow-up to the extremely successful Night Lights, features 20 illustrated narrative meditations that kids will enjoy—each with a set of positive affirmations for the child to dwell on. It’s designed for parents to read aloud to children between the ages of 4 and 8, and the stories draw youngsters into adventures that fire their imaginations, focus their minds, boost their self-confidence, and build trust in the world around them. All the tales sensitively tackle common challenges facing small children, including coping with disappointment, making good decisions, dealing with fears, handling peer pressure, and banishing boredom. Most important, every meditation is both enjoyable as a fantasy and effective as a life tool.

Table of Contents:
Foreword: About this Book   Anne Civardi     6
Background for Parents   David Fontana
A Child's Development     8
The Importance of Imagination     10
Finding Calm     12
Gaining Confidence     14
The Power of Stories     16
Reading to Children     18
The Art of Concentration     20
Affirmations     22
A Way to Begin     24
Twenty Stories for Meditation
The Helpful Fox: Treat people well     26
The Star Catchers: Let others have their glory     32
Home to Penguin Island: Help others     38
A Sheep's Best Song: Value your talents     42
The Shadow Child: Take responsibility     48
An Alligator's Good Friends: Don't interfere     54
The Lovable Monster: Try not to judge others     58
The Red Trumpet Flowers: Be inquisitive     64
The Rainbow Cat: Enjoy every moment     70
Granny Dean's New Home: Accept change     74
An Elf's Tale: Forgive and forget     80
The Magic Meadow: Be content as you are     86
A Bed for Winter: Try not to worry     90
Dancing with Moon Sprites: Trust yourself     96
TheMonkey King: Don't let others down     102
Bubbles of Laughter: Laugh every day     106
The Mud Man: Be proud to be you     112
Something to Smile About: Think positively     118
Oodles of Oobles: Accept your mistakes     122
A Curious Kangaroo: Be patient     128
The Art of Visualization
The Power of Visualization     134
Helping Your Child to Visualize     135
Index of Values/Issues     140
Acknowledgments     144

New interesting book: Muscles in Minutes or Eat to Beat Diabetes Cookbook

Sleep Away the Pounds: Optimize Your Sleep and Reset Your Metabolism for Maximum Weight Loss

Author: Cherie Calbom

The words, "You snooze, you lose," have never been truer. Research suggests that fewer zzzs you get, the more likely you are to pack on the pounds. In fact, a recent study shows that those who average less than 4 hours a night are nearly 75 percent more likely to be obese than those who log 7 to 9 hours nightly. Even people who get 6 hours of sleep a night are about 25 percent more apt to be obese. The fact is, lack of sleep affects hormone levels, which can trigger hunger and tell the body to slow down the metabolism and store fat unnecessarily. What's more, when we're exhausted, our body's ability to process sugar drops by about 30 percent--leaving us not just worn down, but at a significantly higher rise of developing type II diabetes. Cherie Calbom has developed a groundbreaking program to harness the power of sleep for optimum weight loss. Perhaps the most doable diet ever, Calbom's 3-week program combines:
* A breakdown of the science behind sleep as a weight loss aid
* Strategies for getting more and better sleep--including solutions for insomnia and sleep disorders
* Relaxation techniques to improve mood and reduce stress and make your nights more restful
* A sleep-well menu program that tells you what to eat and when to eat it for optimum shut-eye

Friday, January 16, 2009

Prime Time or Bikini Fit

Prime Time: The African-American Woman's Complete Guide to Midlife Health and Wellness

Author: Marilyn Hughes Gaston

Today seven million African American women are living in their prime, experiencing the joys and challenges of middle age. Now, at last, here is the book that addresses our total health needs—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Written by a distinguished physician and a clinical psychologist, Prime Time is the first complete guide that empowers us to take charge of our lives and attain the well-being we deserve.
In many ways, it’s true that we are better off today than our foremothers were: We earn more money, command more respect. Yet in spite of these advances, we still experience more chronic health problems, endure more stress, and live shorter lives than women of other races. That’s why Prime Time is both urgent and essential. This groundbreaking book not only lays out a detailed, practical plan for overall healing and for maintaining wellness, it also addresses the underlying attitudes and assumptions that lead so many of us to neglect ourselves and undermine our own health. Prime Time will help you

• Reframe priorities to put yourself and your own health needs first
• Interpret the latest medical findings on the Big Four killers and how they affect black women in middle age
• Profile your current health with worksheets, quizzes, and assessment tools
• Renew sex at midlife by eliminating restricting myths and taboos and finding new paths to pleasure
• Reduce anger and “attitude” that block you from attaining good health
• Identify the nontraditional signs of depression and anxiety common to African American women

Comprehensive,straight-talking, and grounded in science and spiritual truth, Prime Time is at once a guide to total health in middle age and a celebration of the strength, wisdom, and beauty of African American women in their second half of life.

Interesting book: Pivot Table Data Crunching or Ultimate Robot

Bikini Fit: The 4-Week Plan

Author: Jo Lethaby

There's fit...and then there's bikini fit! Here's how to become a "10" in as little as four weeks. Week One starts with a thorough detoxifying, using a special combination of food, drink, and exercise to cleanse pores, balance moisture, and rid the body and skin of trapped poisons. In Week Two, the focus is on weight loss through a safe and realistic diet plan, along with toning and aerobic exercises that will help reduce cellulite and shape a new body. In Week Three, selected dietary and skincare strategies will give your face a new glow. By Week Four, there's a dynamic increase in energy levels, along with the increased confidence that comes from knowing that you're looking and feeling your best. A bikini-fit body is closer than you think!

Complete Guide to Natural Healing or When Nature Goes Public

Complete Guide to Natural Healing

Author: Tom Mont

The Complete Guide to Natural Healing shows how to prevent and treat common illnesses and maintain overall health using natural remedies. Here is a wealth of information on diet and nutrition, herbalism, homeopathy, Chinese medicine (including acupuncture and the Chinese tools for healing), bodywork, exercise, and massage. This health-saving book also offers summaries of the most common symptoms, illnesses and disorders, followed by an array of treatment options from Western, orthodox medicine to traditional, holistic medicine. Finally, The Complete Guide to Natural Healing offers a holistic approach to maintaining overall health - as well as strengthening specific organs and systems such as bladder, heart and circulation, lungs, stomach, and kidneys - before illness can occur.

Look this: Daredevils and Daydreamers or The Proteus Effect

When Nature Goes Public: The Making and Unmaking of Bioprospecting in Mexico

Author: Corinne P Hayden

Bioprospecting--the exchange of plants for corporate promises of royalties or community development assistance--has been lauded as a way to develop new medicines while offering southern nations and indigenous communities an incentive to preserve their rich biodiversity. But can pharmaceutical profits really advance conservation and indigenous rights? How much should companies pay and to whom? Who stands to gain and lose? The first anthropological study of the practices mobilized in the name and in the shadow of bioprospecting, this book takes us into the unexpected sites where Mexican scientists and American companies venture looking for medicinal plants and local knowledge.

Cori Hayden tracks bioprospecting's contentious new promise--and the contradictory activities generated in its name. Focusing on a contract involving Mexico's National Autonomous University, Hayden examines the practices through which researchers, plant vendors, rural collectors, indigenous cooperatives, and other actors put prospecting to work. By paying unique attention to scientific research, she provides a key to understanding which people and plants are included in the promise of "selling biodiversity to save it"--and which are not. And she considers the consequences of linking scientific research and rural "enfranchisement" to the logics of intellectual property.

Roving across UN protocols, botanical collecting histories, Mexican nationalist agendas, neoliberal property regimes, and North-South relations, When Nature Goes Public charts the myriad, emergent publics that drive and contest the global market in biodiversity and its futures.

Table of Contents:
List of Figures and Tables
List of Abbreviations
Author's Note
Ch. 1Interests and Publics: On (Ethno)science and Its Accountabilities19
Ch. 2Neoliberalism's Nature48
Ch. 3Prospecting in Mexico: Rights, Risk, and Regulation85
Ch. 4Market Research: When Local Knowledge Is Public Knowledge125
Ch. 5By the Side of the Road: The Contours of a Field Site158
Ch. 6The Brine Shrimp Assay: Signs of Life, Sites of Value191
Ch. 7Presumptions of Interest213
Ch. 8Remaking Prospecting's Publics230

The Clinical Esthetician or SuperFoods Audio Collection

The Clinical Esthetician: An Insider's Guide to Succeeding in a Medical Office

Author: Sallie S Deitz

Milady's The Clinical Esthetician: An Insider's Guide to Succeeding in a Medical Office is a guide to working with and for a physician in a medical setting, managing a skin care business. It offers in-depth methods for problem solving practical matters such as building a business plan, buying and selling products, dealing with office politics, tried and true treatments, and protocols, while increasing profit. Deitz depicts how a practioner can become a liasion between patient and doctor, offering a valuable service to the relationship, while building a prosperous business. In addition, topics such as Office Politics and Rules and Regulations are covered. Case studies are included, as well as chapters on handling difficult patients and situations.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Getting Started.

Chapter 2: Consultation and Office Visits.

Chapter 3: Physician Referral, Patient Selection, and Computer Imaging.

Chapter 4: The Business Plan.

Chapter 5: Marketing Strategy.

Chapter 6: Handling the Product.

Chapter 7: Selling and Healthy Sales Practices.

Chapter 8: Acknowledging Office Politics.

Chapter 9: Territories and Roles Defined.

Chapter 10: Survive Office Politics and Hierarchy-and Learn to Thrive.

Chapter 11: Ethics, Risk Management, and Insurance.

Chapter 12: OSHA Made Simple.

Chapter 13: Medical Chart Writing.

Chapter 14: Skin Conditions.

Chapter 15: Tried-and-True Treatments.

Chapter 16: Treatments, Homecare and Self-care for Health-Compromised Clients.

Chapter 17: Pre- and Postoperative Care.

Chapter 18: Standard Protocols for Peels.

Chapter 19: Small Procedures and Special Clinics.

Chapter 20: Camouflage Therapy and Cosmetic Support.

Chapter 21: Think Multiculturally and in Living Color, the Big Business of Makeup, Micropigmentation.

Chapter 22: Scientific Methodology and Case Studies.

Chapter 23: Handling Challenging People and Safety in the Workplace.

Chapter 24: Meeting the Challenges within.

Chapter 25: Self-care for the Clinical Esthetician: Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Interesting textbook: L'Art de Service de Client :58 Choses Chaque Publicité et Marketing du Professionnel Devraient Savoir

SuperFoods Audio Collection: Featuring Superfoods Rx and Superfoods Healthstyle

Author: Steven G Pratt

HealthStyle is the 21st Century program for promoting vigor, preventing disease and extending your lifespan.

If, up until now you have relied on luck, genetics and a few healthy practices to achieve this goal, SuperFoods HealthStyle will be your authoritative, engaging, introduction to a new, better, life. Like SuperFoods Rx, the authors' bestselling book, SuperFoods HealthStyle takes the most recent, cutting-edge, research on what lifestyle practices have actually been proven to achieve disease prevention and improve daily functioning -- both physically and mentally -- and translates this information into simple recommendations that you can use to improve your physical and mental health now and in the future. It is about making simple, but significant changes to get the most out of life for the rest of your life.

SuperFoods Rx is based on a simple but profound premise: some foods are dramatically better than others for our health and longevity.

Steven Pratt, M.D., witnessed the positive results that occurred when his patients changed their diets to include certain powerhouse foods -- those he has identified as SuperFoods. Backed by research on 14 of the most nutrient-dense foods, this audio gives you the tools to more energy, protection against disease, and a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Art of Spiritual Healing or The Acne Prescription

The Art of Spiritual Healing: Chakra & Energy Bodywork

Author: Keith Sherwood

Before there was Llewellyn Worldwide, my family owned a pharmaceutical company. We made over-the-counter remedies which could help people in need. By publishing books that help people to help themselves and others we have continued in that healing tradition.

To use the powers of spirit to heal, you don''t need needles or drugs or knives. All you need is your mind, your heart, and the desire to help others. The Art of Spiritual Healing by Keith Sherwood clearly shows you how to do exactly that.

There is no finer introduction to spiritual healing than this book. You will learn all of the basics. This means you''ll learn the theory of the subtle bodies, the aura, the chakras, and pranic energy. You''ll also learn how to sense energy, increase it, and direct it. With the techniques given in this book, you''ll discover how to see auras and sense them. This will aid you in diagnosing ailments and healing before the problems manifest as disease.

While it is wonderful to be able to help others, you''ll also notice changes in yourself. If you practice the simple methods in this book you''ll have more vitality, more energy, a better mind-set, improved your memory, and much more

The goal of this book and of spiritual healing is nothing short of total health. But this is not a place. Rather, it is a process. "We either move in the direction of health or in the direction of disease." You can become part of the process moving toward total health. The Art of Spiritual Healing should be your first step on that journey.

See also: The Security Development Lifecycle or Linear System Theory and Design

The Acne Prescription: The Perricone Program for Clear and Healthy Skin at Every Age

Author: Nicholas Perricon

From the author of the runaway #1 bestseller
The Perricone Prescription

Long recognized as a pioneer in reversing skin damage caused by aging, Nicholas Perricone, M.D. now turns his knowledge and expertise toward acne. Here, Dr. Perricone finally delivers the solutions acne sufferers have been waiting for. A complete program that incorporates his trademark three-tiered approach -- anti-inflammatory diet, targeted acne-fighting nutritional supplements, and breakthrough anti-inflammatory topical applications -- The Acne Prescription will help clear your skin in a matter of days and will tell you what to do to treat the pitting and scarring that often affects adult acne sufferers.

Perricone's breakthrough research dispels common myths regarding the causes and treatment of acne. By following the Perricone Program, you can dramatically reduce the appearance of blemishes and breakouts, and achieve a smoother look within three days.

Read by Robb Webb

Publishers Weekly

Perricone, adjunct professor of dermatology at Michigan State University and author of both The Wrinkle Cure and The Perricone Prescription, bases his work on a simple premise: aging skin, and other dermatological conditions are the result of inflammation at the cellular level. To offset this inflammation, Perricone recommends a specific diet. Readers who follow Perricone's prescription diet are advised to avoid starchy foods and any foods that are high in carbohydrates (including many fruits and cereals). The focus is on fish, omega 3 fatty acids, protein and antioxidants, which will effectively reduce the level of cellular inflammation and produce more radiant skin. This new book reiterates this information, but uses the research and findings to assist readers of all ages, specifically adolescents and young adults with acne. A 28-day diet program, glossary of yoga exercises, and discussion of nutritional supplements is included to guide the reader toward better skin. For the most part, readers will find little here that isn't printed in one of Perricone's earlier books. But for new readers, this book may be of interest. Though his theories may still be considered contentious in dermatological circles, one can hardly argue against a regimen that dictates a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good hygiene. (Sept.) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.

Current Care of Women or Aromatherapy A Z

Current Care of Women: Diagnosis and Treatment

Author: Dawn P Lemck

A practical, up-to-date, multidisciplinary source of information on the care of women in a primary care setting. More than sixty contributors provide clinically relevant information on diseases and disorders unique to women. The book addresses general topics affecting women’s health such as prevention, health care access, communication styles, and cultural and racial issues. Following the popular Lange CURRENT format, this comprehensive text features superbly organized rapidly accessible information.

Doody Review Services

Reviewer: HEMANT KUMAR SATPATHY, MD (Saint Joseph Hospital)
Description: This well written, comprehensive book covers primary care of women. This is an update of a book published in 1996.
Purpose: The purpose is to help clinicians begin to incorporate gender specifics into the care they provide. In this day and age these are worthy objectives and the book meets them.
Audience: It is geared towards primary care providers including internists, family physicians, obstetricians-gynecologists, as well medical students and residents.
Features: The book covers most of the female-related health problems that are encountered in the primary care provider's office, but it does not cover the common obstetric care issues. The best things about this book are its up-to-date content and its easy to read style. The subjects are well chosen, too.
Assessment: This update was especially needed because of the changes since 1996, particularly in the field of HRT. I would highly recommend this to all primary care providers. It covers most of the common health problems we see in the care of women and the information is easy to understand can be absorbed in a short time. The cost of the book also impresses me - it is worth the price.


5 Stars! from Doody

New interesting book: Außer der Führung und dem Handhaben: Krankenpflege der Regierung für die Zukunft

Aromatherapy A-Z

Author: Connie Higley

Essential oils, the authors maintain, are very powerful healing agents that detoxify the blood in the human body. This well-organized guide tells readers which combinations of oils are the most beneficial for treating a variety of illnesses and physical problems naturally.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sex and Diabetes or Inner Reiki

Sex and Diabetes: For Him and for Her

Author: Janis Roszler

A welcome relief for the 12 million men and women who suffer from a diabetesrelated sexual dysfunction
Sex & Diabetes is the first book ever to deal exclusively with sexual problems as they relate to diabetes— and the only book to discuss issues that relate to both men and women. It also shows you how sexual problems can be prevented or delayed and discusses treatments options that currently exist. Sex & Diabetes highlights the value of communication between sexual partners and the importance of having an open relationship with healthcare professionals.
Janis Roszler, RD, CDE, LD/N, is a speaker, producer, and radio host and has been counseling individuals with diabetes for over 20 years. She writes the popular “Dear Janis” column in Diabetes Positive!, and monthly health columns for,,, and The Florida Jewish News. Her radio show, Janis’ Jump Start to Good Health, is broadcast in south Florida.
Donna Rice MBA, BSN, RN,CDE, has been working in the area of diabetes and men’s sexual health for the past 20 years. She currently manages the outpatient diabetes program at Botsford Center For Health Improvement.

Interesting book: The Healthy Diet Calorie Counter or Tell Me What to Eat If I Have Diabetes

Inner Reiki: A Practical Guide for Healing and Meditation

Author: Tanmaya Honervogt

An internationally bestselling author and Reiki master combines a hands-on healing technique with meditation in a completely original method to sharpen intuition and deepen healing power

Inner Reiki presents an original concept that blends two of today's most popular eastern disciplines. In workshops she founded, Reiki master Tanmaya Honervogt refined a method that combines Reiki and meditation to create a powerful and highly personal tool, capable of enhancing intuitive powers and strengthening the healing life force within.

With clear concise text, step by-step instructions and beautiful full-color photographs, Inner Reiki provides a natural introduction to Reiki for those already interested in healing and related therapies-and a rich source of new suggestions (e.g., hand positions) for more experienced practitioners. Inner Reiki covers all aspects of the practice including theories on how Reiki symbols work and how to use them for healing; spiritual growth and meditation; additional tools to enhance your healing practice; healing stones and crystals; and aurasoma and color therapy.

Comprehensive and easy-to-follow, Inner Reiki will become an essential addition to every Reiki bookshelf as well as those on meditation, healing and self-development.

The Four Temperaments or The Everything Easy Fitness Book

The Four Temperaments: A Rediscovery of the Ancient Way of Understanding Health and Character

Author: Randy Rolf

The system of the four temperaments, or humors—melancholic, choleric, sanguine, and phlegmatic—has been used to analyze personality and health for over two thousand years, since the philosophical insights of Aristotle and the healing arts of Hippocrates. It has been the basis of Western medicine and character portraits ever since. Now The Four Temperaments offers an introduction and overview of this ancient knowledge, providing readers a clear picture of all the humors have to offer. Randy Rolfe shows how to identify one's own temperament and how to dramatically improve health, relationships, career, and happiness with a basic understanding of the four temperaments. Since the author has been studying, applying, and teaching the wisdom of the temperaments for over thirty years, she is able to link these four ancient personality and health types with the findings of modern medical researchers. She guides readers to finding the proper balance between temperaments and using their strengths to overcome their vulnerabilities. Illustrations are included.

Library Journal

These two books are based on the ancient Greek concept of the four temperaments (sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, and choleric). First-time author Maddron refers to them as colors-orange, gold, green, and blue, respectively. Each has a "ruling sign" (air, earth, water, and fire) and is typified by physicality, high standards, intellectualism, and sensitivity respectively. Chapters cover the characteristics of each personality type as well as various combinations, and the author includes an instrument for self-analysis. Particularly intriguing is Maddron's discussion of how colors complement one another in functional society and the importance of understanding and appreciating the strengths and limitations of each. Despite the risks inherent in oversimplifying people and society, Maddron's treatment is nonetheless very thoughtful. Rolfe's passionate examination of the role and function of the four temperaments in life translates into half handbook, half treatise. Like Maddron, Rolfe (The 7 Secrets of Successful Parents) describes the traits and characteristics typical of each humor and accounts for the blending of multiple humors. Reasonable and encouraging in tone, the book emphasizes that "the humors can only add to and not detract from your deepest understanding as your life unfolds." Rolfe uses a holistic and ambitious approach that sometimes meets with uneven results. Discussing all the humors at once is often confusing, and the nutritional suggestions feel incomplete. While neither author tries to pigeonhole people, both present "a set of lenses for looking at the world" and its inhabitants. Both are recommended; Maddron's narrower scope results in a clear, entertaining read, while Rolfe is for readers seeking a serious treatment. Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information.

Interesting textbook: Secrets of Great Skin or Fit to Live

The Everything Easy Fitness Book: Lose Weight, Build Strength, and Feel Energized

Author: Donna Raskin

The new USDA Food Pyramid guidelines recommend 60-90 minutes of exercise per day. Are you getting all the exercise you need? The Everything Easy Fitness, 2nd Edition features a new, simple approach to fitness you can use to tone up, lose weight, and look and feel great! Written by a noted fitness writer who is also a certified yoga instructor, personal trainer, and group exercise instructor, this easy-to-use guide motivates you to burn more calories and fat during workouts and eat for health and fitness.


  • 10 walking programs from beginner to advanced
  • 10 easy resistance programs to build strength and burn fat
  • Yoga and Pilates exercise plans
  • Swimming, biking, and stretching programs for exercisers of all levels
Being fit is easier than you think. All it requires is moving more, and moving with a purpose. And it's a lot of fun, too! Completely updated and revised, The Everything Easy Fitness Book, 2nd Edition is your guide to getting fit for life, the easy way!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

100 Questions and Answers about Hepatitis C or Yoga for Children

100 Questions and Answers about Hepatitis C: A Lahey Clinic Guide

Author: Stephen Fabry

There are approximately 2.5 million cases of Hepatitis C in the United States and approximately 200 million worldwide. Whether you're a newly diagnosed patient, a friend or relative of someone with Hepatitis C, this book offers help. Written by two physicians from Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Dr. Fabry and Dr. Narasimhan, this book provides authoritative, practical answers to the most common questions about Hepatitis C.

Table of Contents:
Dedication     iii
Introduction     ix
Foreword     xi
The Basics     1
Transmission     15
Natural History and Symptoms     25
Testing and Evaluation     35
Treatment     59
Treatment Side Effects     83
Special Situations     103
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Options     113
Cirrhosis     123
Liver Cancer     139
Liver Transplantation     149
The Future     163
Resources     167
Glossary     171
Index     177

Go to: Indoor Grilling or White Wine For Dummies

Yoga for Children

Author: Bel Gibbs

Discover yoga postures in the form of fun exercises that is a perfect introduction to yoga for children. They will love doing the various animal poses such as a lion, a tortoise or dragonfly.

Cyber Safe Kids Cyber Savvy Teens or Mehndi

Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens: Helping Young People Learn To Use the Internet Safely and Responsibly

Author: Nancy E Willard

Essential strategies to keep children and teens safe online

As our children and teens race down the onramp to the Information Superhighway, many parents feel left behind in the dust. News stories about online sexual predators, child pornography, cyberbullies, hate groups, gaming addiction, and other dangers that lurk in the online world make us feel increasingly concerned about what our children are doing (and with whom) in cyberspace. In Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens, Internet safety expert Nancy Willard provides you with need-to-know information about those online dangers, and she gives you the practical parenting strategies necessary to help children and teens learn to use the Internet safely and responsibly.

Parents protect younger children by keeping them in safe places, teaching them simple safety rules, and paying close attention. As children grow, we help them gain the knowledge, skills, and values to make good choices—choices that will keep them safe and show respect for the rights of others. In Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens, Willard shows you how those same strategies can be translated from the real world to the cyberworld, and that you don't have to learn advanced computer skills to put them into effect. As you work on these strategies with your child, you will also discover that remaining engaged with what your children are doing online is much more valuable than any blocking software you could buy.

"Willard blends the perspectives of a wise parent and a serious scholar about issues related to Internet behavior and safety. . . . Pick up the book, open it to any random page, and you will find on thatpage or nearby a wealth of helpful advice and useful commentary on the cyberreality facing our children and on how to deal with any of the issues she's identified."
—Dick Thornburgh, J.D., former U.S. Attorney General; chair, National Academy of Sciences Committee on Youth Pornography and the Internet

"Simply put, this book is a must-read for anyone—parents, educators, law enforcement, and policymakers alike—concerned with the critical issue of children's internet safety and what to do about it."
—Douglas Levin, senior director of education policy, Cable in the Classroom

Children's Literature

The Internet provides its users with virtually unlimited access to information and communication opportunities. Concerned parents rightly find themselves in a precarious position: the appropriate use of the World Wide Web will be necessary in their children's' lives, yet the potential for inappropriate uses are lurking around every corner. Within this informative text, parents have the chance to learn how to be critical consumers of the Internet and how to effectively guard their children against would-be pitfalls. Discerning parents can discover strategies for safeguarding their children at every age, from eight and under, through eighteen and over. At each level, different issues are addressed, from cyber bullying and unsafe communication, to gaming, to spam and scams. By providing real life examples and statistics that bring the realities of Internet dangers to life, parents are taught to become confident in setting regulations for their children when it comes to using the Web. Yet the real value of this text comes from the specific suggestions and ideas offered to prevent intentional or unintentional access to explicit online content. While the premise of the text is to safeguard children against the dangers found online, the author encourages parents not to see the Internet as a negative, reminding us that the Internet opens up a world of possibilities that can remain positive if monitored correctly. Arming parents with the information they need to be more Internet savvy than their teens, this book is a must read for concerned parents. Reviewer: Ginny Sautner

Interesting textbook: La gestion et la Coordination Soignant le Soin

Mehndi: The Art of Henna Body Painting

Author: Carine Fabius

The magical art of mehndi, or henna painting, has been practiced for centuries in India, Africa, and the Middle East, and now it has finally arrived in the West. Packed with inspirational photographs of traditional andcontemporary mehndi, this complete resource offers everything you need to create your own beautiful hennadesigns, including:
dozens of practice exercises and sample illustrations
a foolproof recipe for mixing the henna paste
step-by-step instructions on how to apply your mehndi design
insider's tips from professional mehndi artists and more!

School Library Journal

YA-Mehndi, or body painting with henna, was first practiced in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, and is gaining widespread popularity in the United States. This book is a how-to manual for novices and covers almost every aspect of the art from its origins, to how to make your own henna dye, to what tools are needed to draw traditional designs, to protecting the pattern once it is applied. Fabius closes with tips on the best way to paint the henna on the soles of the feet, the palms of the hand, the neck, the stomach, and the back. This book will have great appeal to many teens.-Robert Burnham, R. E. Lee High School, Springfield, VA

The New Art of Running or Running past 50

The New Art of Running: Improving Your Performance with the Alexander Technique

Author: Malcolm Balk

Running is both a popular competitive sport and a highly effective form of exercise—a simple, inexpensive way to achieve a wide range of cardiovascular, muscular, and emotional benefits. Now, by combining running with the healthful body-awareness principles of the Alexander Technique, runners can improve their competitive performance while multiplying the health benefits of the sport and virtually eliminating its hazards. The proven methods of the Alexander Technique encourage good body use and greater awareness of the way the body functions and moves. Applied to running, the Technique teaches how to release tension and run without risk of injury. With special exercises for the head, eyes, torso, and legs, this unique approach radically improves results, both in training and competition.

Table of Contents:
1The art of running12
2Developing awareness32
3Thinking into movement52
4Building the foundations66
5Thinking into training84
6Thinking into competition109
7Injuries - and how to avoid them134
How to run well (and avoid running badly)146
Picture credits160

Books about: On the Practice of Safety 3rd Edition or Handbook of Media Management and Economics

Running past 50, Vol. 50

Author: Richard Benyo

Former Runner's World editor Rich Benyo explains how to make the years after 50 the best in your running career. Through his engaging writing style, Benyo will help you: infuse your running program with new training ideas, set new goals, establish good nutrition and hydration habits, avoid injuries common in aging runners, and stay motivated.