Monday, December 29, 2008

Nutrition Periodization for Endurance Athletes or Sacred Path Companion

Nutrition Periodization for Endurance Athletes: Taking Traditional Sports Nutrition to the Next Level

Author: Bob Seebohar

Nutrition Periodization for Endurance Athletes contains everything athletes and professionals need to know about a year-round approach to training and nutrition. Combining traditional physical training cycle principles with the latest nutritional expertise, this useful guide takes sports nutrition to the next level. Typically, an athlete's nutritional choices are scrutinized only for the weeks leading up to an event and immediately after it. However, for athletes who take a year-round approach to training, a more inclusive approach to nutrition can promote peak performance and a successful season. Benefits of a phase-specific approach are discussed as well as detailed nutritional recommendations for the different phases of the training cycle.

Table of Contents:
What is Periodization?5
Overtraining and Injury10
2Nutrients for Life15
The Six Essential Nutrients16
Digestion Basics17
3Nutrition Periodization47
The Important Role of Nutrition47
Periodization and Nutrition Planning49
Macrocycle Nutrition Guidelines51
Mesocycle and Microcycle Nutrition Guidelines57
4Successful Weight Management101
Making a Lifestyle Change102
Timing of Weight Loss102
Basics of Weight Loss105
Why Fad Diets Don't Work109
Measure Your RMR111
Safe Steps to Weight Loss: How to Do It113
5Nutrition Supplementation123
The Nutrition Supplements Market124
Nutrition Supplements for the Endurance Athlete130
6special Considerations for the Endurance Athlete149
Heat Cramps154
Immune System Depression162

Interesting book: Management or Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations

Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform

Author: Lauren Artress

Full of exercises, suggestions, questionnaires, assignments, and meditations for getting the most out of the Labyrinth experience, The Sacred Path Companion is the indispensable guide for anyone searching for a spiritual journey that will inspire, educate, and engage.

Created by one of the guiding forces of the Labyrinth movement and the author of Walking a Sacred Path, this comprehensive and interactive workbook includes:

- The art of Labyrinth walking
- The nine lessons of the Labyrinth
- Four guidelines to gauge spiritual growth
- Specific uses for healing and transformation through the Labyrinth
- Forgiveness and reconciliation
- The six purposes of ritual
- Developing visions for the Labyrinth movement

LAUREN ARTRESS is the author of Walking a Sacred Path. She is the founder and president of Veriditas, the Voice of the Labyrinth Movement, and is the former canon for special ministries at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral.

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